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There have been a lot of questions about TYAP. Some are good, some are not - but we answer all of them. If you have a question you'd like to ask, use the one of the emails you find on the CONTACT US page and we'll answer it.


How did you guys get the idea for TYAP?

Well, we wanted to see our country up close and personal, not looking down from an airplane.  At the same time we realized we should get to know our generation better.  Actually, we thought a lot of people wanted to get to know our generation better.  So eight months later we had an RV, a road atlas, and we were ready to go.

Didn’t the RoadTrip Nation guys do this already?  And isn’t Coca-Cola doing something similar?

Not really and maybe.  Yes, RoadTrip Nation had an RV, and yes, they drove around the country, but their focus was on business leaders whereas our focus is on our peers.  And we’re not really sure what the Coca-Cola project is about. We’re still trying to figure out if those guys are actors. We hope not, because that is a good idea and it would be a shame if there wasn’t a little incentive to make a better movie.

Will your documentary be like Where are We?
Well, they would both be about a trip through America to learn about people - so in that way they'd be similar. The difference is that Where are We came out in 1992, and in 1992 we were all 8. We sort of think America has changed a lot in fifteen years, but you never know until you see it in person.

What happens if the project is a success?

It will be a great bonus on top of an amazing three month adventure. Wait, are you asking if we’re hoping to profit off our generation?  Because the answer is yes, we are.  When this website is visited more frequently than Google, when our book is a bestseller featured in Oprah’s book club, and when our documentary blows March of The Penguins out of the water. But it’s not about that.  It’s about the people, the experience and the excuse to drive around our country in an RV. Success might be fun, but so is happiness.  

What are your plans for the future?

You can check out our bios for individual answers, but in general, we’re not sure.  Perhaps a line of TYAP action figures.

When did you know this project would actually happen?

When Nantucket Nectars pledged their support and gave us Juice Guy hats.

Can I suggest someone to be interviewed?

Yes!  Please do!  Check out our suggestion box (look up, way up, top of the page.) TYAP is constantly evolving and looking for compelling interview subjects.

How many times were you stopped by the police on your trip?

Good question. Apparently a 30-foot RV parked in front of government buildings or in commercial parking lots draws a lot of attention. We were stopped five times and interrogated twice. No tickets, just warnings.

Can I submit music to be displayed at your website?

Yes, of course you can. Just click on the music section on the top bar and follow the instructions. 

Are you guys like MySpace or something?

No, we're actually happy MySpace is in existence. It allows us to place links to actual downloads of bands so that our site doesn't get clogged by visitors downloading new songs. In a sense, we're just a good way for a band to promote their MySpace profile.

What skills do you guys have that make you good generation profilers?

Oh, we have lots of skills.  Matt H. knows how to play the mandolin, Ben wants to learn the guitar, Adam played the drums from 5th to 8th grade, and Wigs better know how to play the keyboard or our band is in deep trouble.  We do know, in all seriousness, how to write and take pictures.  We have a video camera.  And we really want to get to know people.  So who’s to stop us?

If you guys had enough funding, would you travel around forever?

Probably.  But we’re not going to get that much funding.  We’re only asking for enough money for three months.  Adam would really like to go to Australia though, so if anyone wants to buy him a ticket, he’s cool with that.

What are your hopes and aspirations for this project?

Well, we're hoping to figure out whats really on the minds of our peers by asking them the same questions we've been asking ourselves.  Does that make sense?  We hope it makes sense. Oh, and we're also hoping the trip itself is as awesome as it looks on the itinerary.

Why did you have to set up an LLC for this project?

When sponsors wanted to donate money and they began asking for our tax ID codes, we looked into forming an LLC.

Did you ask everyone the same questions?

Sort of.  We’ll have a few questions we ask everyone (some of these queries are listed under PEOPLE), but different people require different lines of questioning.  For example, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask a farmer what kind of tractor he or she drives, but it would be inexplicably presumptuous to ask the same question of a Los Angeles veterinarian.

How did you choose the people you profiled?

Some of them we found ahead of time, some of them have been suggested to us, and some of them we bumped into outside a convenience store.  They will all be interesting in their own special way.

Did you come to my state?

That depends on which state is yours.  Check out our ITINERARY for a tentative schedule.






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